For as long as I can remember, secondhand clothing has influenced my style. It helped me learn that menswear is sewn WAY better than womenswear and can last longer. Every time I step into a thrift store I head right to the men’s section. It taught me that jackets made before the 2000’s are impeccable and helped me realize that no outfit is complete without a stunning jacket. It also helped me grow as a designer. It allowed me to find designs (cheaply) and open them up to see how they designed and sewed that style. Most importantly it has showed me how much clothing exists, truly gorgeous and well made pieces just waiting to be discovered. Not everyone enjoys the hunt though, and I get that, so I have compiled 10 thrifters that are doing the hunting to bring you the best of the best secondhand clothing.
Each one has their own unique style and brand, so you need to find which one best suits your style and follow them. The other thing that I love about thrifting is that it is all about timing. That moment you walk into the store, or check your Instagram and your favourite shop has listed an epic piece, getting it is the best feeling, like it was destined to be with me, making that piece extra special.

Thrifted by Taylor
Check Them Out

Thrifted Collective Co.
Check Them Out

Weft and Whorl
Check Them Out

Darling Vintage
Check Them Out

DG Vintage
Check Them Out

Eh Plus Vintage
Check Them Out

Vintage Vintage
Check Them Out
Vintageous Vintage
Check Them Out

Gales Vintage Clothing Collection
Check Them Out

Mama Loves You
Check Them Out

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