What I've been...
Not every season of this series is good, but the newest one is about the grand jury that is happening in Atlanta to see if Donald Trump acted illegally days after his election loss. They are working to find out if he will be charged with having influenced the insurrection. It has been interesting to listen to so far.
listen to it!

Real talk, I don't love this series. I know that is touchy to say, seeing as it is such a beloved series, but the reinforcement of stereotypical gender norms is frustrating. This was the hardest book for me to get through, with Harry being the most annoying, quick-tempered, and not a great friend or student. While Hermoine continues to stand by, his dutiful friend, even though she seems more organized, smarter, and a better witch! I just keep wanting her to be taken more seriously.
read it!
I couldn't pick one, I have been faithfully watching both and each week these shows are killing it. I keep bouncing back and forth about which one I like the most, either way, I am loving all the fantasy in my life.
watch it!



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