What I've been...
I've been on a major grunge binge lately. I can't claim credit for making this playlist, but it is pretty perfect. There is not a single song I skip.
listen to it!
I am obsessed with reading Jane Austen. I love the will they, won't they romantic drama, and I also really love how beautifully books from this era were written. Highly recommend this read.
read it!
The books and original movies are some of my favourites, so there were high standards for this new interpretation, and it did not disappoint. I loved the casting, the changes they made were necessary and done beautifully to update this classic.
watch it!
Honestly, I have been working a lot, with shows each weekend, but this year I decided to head up to OOAK a day early. I wanted to have the Wednesday in my former city to hit up all my favourite shops, and head to my wholesaler and this time Jenn from WithNini came along and we had the best day!

I've been popping up every other weekend since October. So I've been working on setting up this booth, taking it down, and then setting it up again. Catch me set up December 10th for Dominion City Holiday Market and then Dec. 11th for Cheerfully Made's Holiday Market. This will be your last chance to grab Copious in person before the holidays.

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