What I've been...

I'm a big believer in reading the book first but didn't have time before seeing the Scorsese movie, so I opted for the audiobook and it is worth a listen. With any retelling things get changed and for me, David's documentation of these events features Mollie and her family at the forefront and I appreciated that. Plus it dives deeper into how and why this was happening.
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I picked up 'The Queen's Man' randomly at a secondhand bookshop and it sent me down a path of reading the entire series. I love books that are both historical and fictional, and this author has perfected that genre. Now that I have burned through this series at my local library, I need to head back and see what other books this author has written.
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I am obsessed with this show. I love period pieces; the history, the drama, the clothing, it's beautiful. This season has been dramatic, tear-jerking, and hilarious, each episode leaves me a little mad I am watching this episodically and haven't waited to watch the whole season!
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