What I have listening to...
The latest season is dropping episodes alongside the trial and it has been captivating to watch the prosecution and defence lay out their evidence. The last few episodes got extra interesting when Elizabeth herself decided to take the stand. With her signature style of talking she presented new evidence, now it is up to the jury to decide a verdict.
listen to it!
What I have been reading...
This is my first time diving into the series and was put onto it by my oldest nephew. He has consumed the whole series so he instantly shared his copies with me. You all know how much I adore reading and I am so proud of him for developing this passion. Book 1 and 2 were quick reads and I’m hooked on the characters. Next up, a movie marathon for the books I have read!
read it!
What I have been watching...
No words can describe how incredible this show is. Each actor is so perfectly cast, the casting director should win an Oscar along with every actor. It follows a high power family and their role in their family business. They are each struggling to gain or retain their power within the company and are willing to do anything to get it.
watch it!
What I have been doing...
December is usually pretty chill for me. I get to wrap up any outstanding projects, get prepped and ready to start new projects and finally I get to relax. The beau and I took a day before the holidays and we went to the movies, enjoyed a nice dinner out at Gyubee and we got to reset and relax before the holidays. I am bringing that energy into 2022 with me.
What I have been working on...
THREADED has been my passion project for the last year and half. Seeing it spark important conversations about the damage of labels, both business and personal is exactly what I wanted when I launched NO LABELS, JUST VIBES. This last month I thrifted SO many goodies for the next edition of THREADED.
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